If you're new to the world of voice over and podcasting, you might be wondering what a noise gate is and why it's important. Put simply, a noise gate is a tool used to reduce unwanted background noise, such as hissing or humming, during recording. However, if not set correctly, a noise gate can also cut off important words and phrases, making your recording sound choppy or incomplete. In this blog post, we'll go over the basics of noise gates and how to use them effectively to improve the quality of your voice over or podcast.
What is a Noise Gate?
A noise gate is a tool that allows you to set a threshold level for your audio. Any sound that falls below this threshold will be muted or reduced in volume, while any sound above the threshold will be allowed through. This is especially useful for voice over and podcasting, as it can help reduce background noise such as room tone or computer fans.
Setting Your Noise Gate Correctly
While a noise gate can be a powerful tool for improving the quality of your recording, it can also be a double-edged sword if not set correctly. If your threshold level is set too high, you risk cutting off important words or phrases in your recording. On the other hand, if your threshold level is set too low, you risk letting too much background noise through, which can be distracting for your listeners.
To set your noise gate correctly, you'll need to find the right balance between reducing unwanted noise and allowing your voice to come through clearly. Start by setting your threshold level just above the level of your background noise. From there, you can adjust the threshold level up or down until you find the right balance for your recording. Using SOAP after a correctly set noise gate is a great way to get a very professional result.
If you're concerned about cutting off important words or phrases in your recordings, you might want to consider adjusting the release time on your noise gate. The release time determines how long it takes for the gate to close after the audio falls below the threshold level. A longer release time can help minimize the risk of cutting off important words or phrases by allowing the gate to close more gradually, rather than cutting off abruptly. However, keep in mind that a longer release time can also allow more unwanted background noise to come through, so it's important to find the right balance for your specific recording situation. When in doubt do less! Setting a noise gate too aggressively can cut of key words and phrases and confuse the listener.
Using a noise gate can be a powerful tool for improving the quality of your voice over or podcast recording. However, it's important to set your noise gate correctly to avoid cutting off important words or phrases. By finding the right balance between reducing unwanted noise and allowing your voice to come through clearly, you can create a recording that sounds professional and polished. With a little practice, you'll soon be able to use a noise gate like a pro!